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  • opel corsa
    graffiti tour


    After a fierce competition between 4 Portuguese professional urban artists, the winner of the 1st stage recreated his work on a 360m2 outdoor panel, located at the intersection of Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo with Avenida António Augusto Aguiar, in Lisbon. The action was promoted by the RFM and Sic Radical.

    Opel Corsa Graffiti Tour Video

    360m2 – A MACRO WORK OF ART


    After the intervention of worldwide known artists such as Gémeos, Blu and SAM3 in the same area of the city, the winner of the Opel Corsa Graffiti Tour, leaves its mark. More than 190 hours of work in the city center!
    The action was further promoted by a public contest that offered the winner a trip to Berlin with a street art tour and an Opel Corsa available during the stay.